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Why is changing the filter so important? What filter should I use?

The filters keep the evaporator coils and the heat exchanger of an AC clean. These are essential parts of an AC, and they must be kept in proper condition. The evaporator is one of the main components of a heating and cooling system. It is located inside of the indoor fan section, and the filters are located just before it. First, the filter purifies the air and then it goes to the evaporator coil. The filters prevent the evaporator from getting plugged with dust. With the passage of time, the dust accumulates between the fins of the evaporator.

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The accumulation of dust causes improper functioning of the evaporator coil which is not visible instantly but may take months to show up. The coil then restricts the airflow and reduces the efficiency of the system. Another problem that one might encounter because of dirty filters is ice buildup. If your system didn't show up with this problem in the past, then it might be because of the dirty filters. It is an indication that you are not changing your filters as often as required.

After our visit, you will know how to replace air conditioner filter, so how often should you replace it? Some people, HVAC (heat, ventilation, Air Conditioner) contractor, and technician suggests to replace it every 3 months or sooner.

This is the best ideas, if you live by yourself and the house a clean. But this is not good ideas if there is children, pet, and people in and out of the house often. Children tend to bring pollen, dusty, leaves, flower inside the house.

The best way to tell how often to replace air conditioner filters are by looking at it. Yes, I’m sorry if you expected it to be technical, but it's not. For example, let said, there is a house occupies by five people, and the air filter start gets dirty every 2 months.

Than that how often air conditioners filters should be replaced.
It is as simple as that!
And of course, we will show you the best one to use for your system.